Special Thanks


Many people have helped me catalog, remember and put together this online art gallery. It has been a long journey and it’s just the beginning, but hopefully it goes some way towards sharing with the world the incredible artist that was Jeanne Tamisiea. Trust me when I tell you this is just the beginning and more work will be added to the site. Please come back to see and purchase more for your collection.

Bill Hannan - My mother’s dear friend and fellow educator at Blackhawk, who tirelessly helped me go through the entirety of my mother’s art studio and collections, inventory and catalog each sketchbook, drawing and painting with meticulous care.  It was no small feat and took us several months. What you see here is just the tip of a very large collection, which I will continue to share here. He has continued to be a source of knowledge and support.

Kevin Schaffer - who helped photograph the artwork and is an exceptional artist in his own right

Jaimelyn Gray - who persisted through the years with helping me develop this website, always there after I’d drop away from the project to help me pick up the ball again once I got my homework done finally.  Her patience and expertise have been invaluable.

Dean Tamisiea- My mother’s brother and dear friend, who tormented her in childhood and who lovingly helped me care for my mother in her final year of life

Michael Kane- My father who is an integral part of helping me ensure delivery of any artwork that is purchased, and without whom I would be lost.

Bob and Mary Stessman- who shared their home with me and my mother and rotating family members as we cared for my mother in and out of the hospital visits

The Medical and Nursing staff at the University of Iowa Hospital Cardiology Wing - who took exceptional care of my mother and never gave up hope that one day we would get her strong enough for a heart transplant.

To all of my mother’s family, friends, neighbors, students, fellow teachers and fellow artists (as well as my own) who shared with my mother their laughter, their tears, their cooking, their inspiration and their love.  You all gave her the strength to keep fighting and gave me hope until the very last.  You have continued to be a part of my life and the memories that you have shared with me have been a balm. I will always be grateful that my mother and I have had you in our lives.